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September 08, 2003

yet another block of photos...

would someone please talk to daddy and tell him to lay off the camera for a bit? i mean, really...how much flashing can one baby take? it's like a rave here, with the constant strobing of the flash bulb....good thing i'm not epileptic...

oh, more pictures? i'm bored
i'm smilin'! seriously, dad...knock it off.
things are looking up... i've got daddy's eyes
wow...that's one hairy daddy.


Posted by sydney at September 8, 2003 12:59 AM


Ah, is that your Uncle Chewbacca holding you?

Posted by: Anderson at September 8, 2003 04:00 PM

Sydney, you are just too cute for words. And you are not supposed to be holding your head up yet. Let your daddy take lots of pictures, we want to see you grow. Can't wait for you to meet your(older) second cousin Peighton. Be sure to tell your daddy how much we have loved everything he has written. Hope he is not too tired to continue.

Posted by: Aunt Sandy at September 8, 2003 09:55 PM