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September 11, 2003
the days are just packed!
i'm starting to become a bit more aware of my surroundings....did you know that there are things in the world besides mommy's and daddy's heads? as you may have noticed from some of my earlier photos, i can now so totally hold my head up and look around. i'm still not very interested in stuffed animals and things, but music and mobiles and rattles have started to catch my attention.
my grandma and uncle tim are in town, and they seem like pretty nice people. they brought me presents, and that makes 'em okay in my book!
Posted by sydney at September 11, 2003 12:43 AM
just as long as you aren't noticing things in your surroundings like boys...oh boy...won't that be a day! dad will be sooooo excited!
Posted by: kim at September 14, 2003 04:26 AM