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July 14, 2004

monkey problems

so there i was, just minding my own business, digging through the closet, when i find this big neon monkey! i pulled him out, and he starts makin' all this racket...daddy went to get the camera, of course.

(the video is about five minutes long, but it's only about 9 mb)
crazy ol' neon monkey


Posted by sydney at July 14, 2004 11:24 PM


Let me try this again... seem to have deleted my previous post.

My URL is only viewable via IE (tried using CSS for positioning - don't think I'm quite ready for prime time yet).

Anyway, I was surfing around the net and saw you have a kid now!!! She's just darling. I even watched the monkey video. :) Congratulations (about a year late).

I beat a hasty retreat to Bryan/College Station to work for the State (after a bout with Dell Sales - DMS). What a BAD, BAD move DMS was! Anyway, I took a year or so to get my sanity back (did I ever have it???), and am now looking for other opportunities that actually pay a salary. :)

I have an interview at NetIQ in Houston shortly, which is how I ran into your page. Doing some research for a writing sample they wanted.

Well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit a moment and tell you that your little girl is so precious! I know you all are very proud of her. :)

Send my hellos and love to the IT guys... miss you all terribly. Hope you are well and happy - catchya around the net someday!


Posted by: Joy at August 14, 2004 06:15 PM