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January 26, 2004

some fresh pictures...

Hey there! Sorry, I haven't helped Sydney post any photos in a while...She's trying to fall asleep now, but on her way to bed, she asked me if I could publish a few fresh pictures for her fans...

Here's a couple pictures of Sydney playing "Crazy Pretzel Girl," and showing off her flexibility by chewing on her own feet...

the tiny human pretzel!
i guess i really stuck my foot in my mouth...

And here's a picture of Sydney playing "Crazy Monkey Girl," doing her best to both hold on to AND imitate the stuffed monkey on one of her Gymini's.

i'm a monkey!


Posted by jferris at 09:36 PM | Comments (2)

January 24, 2004

sydney types!

hey, all...Daddy here, sorry for the lack of posts...again...but tonight, had to take a few seconds to post this...

as you know, this is sydney's blog...but she can't really type all that well, so i usually transcribe for her. but tonight, she grabbed ahold of the keyboard...after she figured out she can't fit the whole thing in her mouth, here's what she had to say:

tg8ggnm yhjy./ '8ui

she also hit the windows start key alot, but i think i'll be able to break her of that habit before it causes any permanent developmental issues...


Posted by jferris at 01:23 AM | Comments (1)