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February 17, 2004
happy valentine's day!
so i'm four days late for valentines day, but still, i think the cute-factor will more than make up for the procrastination (wow, that's a big word for a five-month-old).
this is me & emma. we've been friends since before either of us can remember, which could be minutes, or could be months...we're just babies, so neither of us can really remember all that far back. here we are, modelling our valentines outfits.
down below, you can't really tell if i'm biting or kissing emma's head. since it's valentine's day and we're super-cute babies, let's all just go ahead and assume it was a super-cute little kiss on the head. only the nanny knows the truth!
happy valentine's day!
-sydney (with special guest emma)
Posted by sydney at 10:05 AM | Comments (1)
February 16, 2004
got me some teeth!
so i had a surprise for everyone this afternoon...i woke up with no teeth, and this afternoon, i went ahead and grew a couple of good & sharp ones! i bit my nanny on the finger! boy, was she surprised...
won't let daddy get any photos...when he tries, i blither and stick out my tongue and then i babble and drool. that'll teach him! couple more of these babies, and i'm gonna bite me a couple of parents, maybe even some other kids...
alright, i gotta go bite stuff...talk to y'all later!
Posted by sydney at 10:41 PM | Comments (0)